Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Brianna Lang: Crazy For Motherhood

Introducing BRIANNA LANG! Brianna has just reached young adulthood and is ready for the challenges of a new life. Recently moving to the beautiful, seaside heaven of Sunset Valley, Brianna wants nothing more than to raise a thriving family in this town. So what did she do to reach this goal? She set about hunting down a man so she could embark on the 100 baby challenge. Before this, she enjoyed turning on the stereo at full volume and dancing for hours on end.


She is a party animal, after all!  Brianna is also a total flirt and a great kisser, or so the rumours say. Miss Personality Plus, a charismatic young woman who is very family-oriented and craves nothing more than the idea of bringing a BIG family into the Sim world!
Brianna began young adult life in a job she absolutely adored; journalism! She would spend much of her spare time improving her writing skills to impress her boss and co-workers alike, and what time wasn't spent behind the keyboard was spent shamelessly sucking up to her boss or socialising with her work colleagues.

A game or two of foosball also helped keep Brianna's spirits up, but before long her desperate desire to have children became overwhelming. 

I hope she still looks that good after 100 babies! She certainly won't be able to maintain her partying and care free lifestyle - can she handle the stress and worry of raising 100 babies? To complete this challenge, Brianna desperately needs your help. She might be a smart woman, but she needs you to help her out with baby names. Feel free to contribute via the comment box or email at If Brianna likes the name you suggest and decides to use it, she'll be more than happy to let you know. 
Let the fun and games begin!

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